We launched this webpage in 2020 and a lot has changed since then. We are currently updating the texts to make it easier to navigate, change a couple of phrases that we express better these days, include more information about hook pulling, etc. We are still not done with the edits, but the Spring Equinox is coming up in a few weeks, and we need to share the information and registration form now. We, therefore, give you this blog post:
Equinox/Solstice Group Pulls
Smertekirken – Church of Pain organizes group hook pulls in our tripod on all the equinoxes and solstices of the year because they mark very natural transition points from one part of the year’s cycle to the next. These are great moments to celebrate and/or acknowledge the season we are leaving and to welcome the next.
The Summer Solstice Group Pull happens during our summer suspension event and has its own information and registration page. For the Spring Equinox, the Autumn Equinox, and the Winter Solstice we organize smaller events where up to ten people join in the pull. In addition, for the Winter Solstice Group Pull we build a fire out of all the small trees that were sacrificed for rituals during the last full cycle to light up the darkest day of the year and help us welcome the sun’s return.
The Group Hook Pull
The group pull is a flesh hook pull, usually with 1–2 small hooks per person, performed in our tripod. Everyone pulls from a central point for as long as they would like. Since everyone is connected to a point anchored at the center of the tripod, we can feel one-another's energy vibrating through the circle, but the circle remains balanced no matter how hard any one person pulls or when individuals decide to leave the circle.
You may choose wherever you want for your hook placement. We do, however, feel it’s better for these seasonal hook pull rituals to have everyone face the center. This way, we can combine our energy and focus as a community of individuals—sharing our strengths and weaknesses—to create a whole that is greater than its parts. This means that one or two hooks in the chest is a good choice, so is the stomach, throat, elbows, etc. What you choose is up to you and you are free to change your mind about where you want your hooks right up to the last minute.
The sensation of pulling on hooks is somewhat different than being lifted off the ground and suspended from them. The point is not necessarily to pull as hard as you can but to work on your focus, intention, and observe the energy flowing through your body connecting you to the circle. Hook pulling can be a profoundly powerful experience.
Date and Time
Spring Equinox: 20 March 2024
Summer Solstice: 20 June 2024, (separate information and registration, not ready yet)
Autumn Equinox: 22 September 2024
Winter Solstice: 21 December 2024
11:00—arrival 12:00—light lunch 14:00—piercing starts
If you cannot join us for lunch, please arrive no later than 13:30. Once everyone present is pierced, we will begin and we will not break the circle for late arrivals. When everyone is done pulling, we will share another meal together.
NOK 1500
The deadline to pay is the 1st day of the month in which the event falls.
You may pay via bank transfer, PayPal to contact@churchofpain.org, or Vipps to 632147. We’ll send you the payment details for bank transfer when you register.
Since this is an event with limited space, we ask that you commit to your spot when signing up. Because of the cost associated with preparing for the ritual, we’re afraid we will not be able to issue refunds. If you get sick, or any other unforeseen circumstances arise, we will transfer half of your payment towards a new ritual within one year.
The Weather
Since these events coincide with celestial events, they will happen on the date no matter what the weather conditions are like. Exceptions are big storms or thunder and lightning. Please make sure to dress for the conditions. Regardless of the time of year, remember that we are located in the Norwegian countryside at 358 meters over sea level and that it is usually colder here than Oslo. Being prepared is the key to enjoying Norwegian nature and we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about what to wear or pack.
You can find the weather forecast for Vestrønningen Farm, Stange, Innlandet (Norway), elevation 358 m on yr.no.
If anyone is driving to the event, we would love it if you could carpool. If you arrive by train, we can do one—and only one—pick up from the train station. If there are more than four people, we can book a maxi-taxi for everyone who wants to share the cost. We suggest that you all get the train that arrives at Stange station at 10:34 (this train—RE10 to Lillehammer—leaves Oslo S at 09:34) or 10:21 if you are coming from the other direction.
We can also arrange a maxi-taxi back to Stange station the next day, or drive you there, depending on how many people need a ride.
We will serve a light lunch before we start to make sure everyone has enough energy for the pull, and we will end the event with dinner for everybody when we are done pulling. For the people who want to stay overnight, breakfast the day after is included. The food will be vegetarian or vegan, made with love, and will often include our own home grown and locally foraged ingredients. If you have any dietary restrictions, or any allergies, please let us know!
We have limited space in the house, but we can manage to accommodate some people inside the house. Please bring your own sleeping bag or sleeping bag liner. We have some mattresses, but you might have to share with someone. You are also welcome to camp outside.